The Real Meaning of “Road House” Staring Patrick Swayze!

Road House movie poster

Road House, the film starring Patrick Swayze, is a live action metaphor for protecting capitalism from the anarchists and the communists. Whether or not the Government was behind it is not known. But the facts are there. Read this, watch the movie and the obvious facts will hit you like a round house kick to the face.

The Character of Dalton (Patrick Swayze) and Wade Garret (Sam Elliot) represents the need for protection of Capitalism in the United States of America. In the beginning of the movie we see Dalton protect a free market establishment from elements that are liabilities to profit.

Frank Tilghman (Kevin Tighe) the owner of the Double Deuce represents free trade and commerce as well as the characters of Red Webster (Red West), Pete Stroudenmire (Jon Paul Jones) and Emmet (Sunshine Parker) and Cody (Jeff Healey).

The types of business each character represents if obviously strategic for the hidden message of this film…

  • Frank Tilgman’s bar the Double Deuce represents the food and beverage industries.
  • Red Webster’s auto parts store represents the manufacturing and commodities industries.
  • Pete Stroudenmire’s Ford dealership represents the retail industries.
  • Old man Emmet represents the commercial real estate industries.
  • Cody and the band is a binary representation. While clearly representing the entertainment industries, they also represent the need for protection of free speech. This is obviously apparent when at first we see them in the movie playing in a cage made of chicken wire. This is a clear cut representation of the anarchists’ itinerary for suppression of our rights for free speech under the US Constitution!

Morgan's character represents the anarchists

Morgan (circled in photograph… played by Terry Funk) and his hot headed temperament to fight represent the Anarchist’s plight against capitalism. We see how he instigates counter profitable fights throughout the introduction of the Double Deuce.

Metaphor for communismBrad Wesley (Ben Gazzara) and his business practices of strong arming the town of Jasper and her businesses to contribute to one single fund (Jasper Improvement Society) is text book communism to the T! Like all communist regimes e had his own secret police to administer government and financial policy. Also he had military hardware. They were represented by his helicopter, three wheeler, knife in his agent’s boot and let’s not forget the Bigfoot truck.

If the communists had control of Bigfoot


If that wasn’t convincing enough for Wesley being the metaphor for communism, his policies cinches this conclusion. Remember, the businesses of the town of Jasper were not allowed to vote on Wesley’s measures and policies. There was no due process!



Dr. Elizabeth “Doc” Clay (Kelly Lynch) is the embodiment of political and or social groups that are indecisive towards affiliating themselves with any one ideal or system. We find out she’s Wesley’s ex-lover. Then she is Dalton’s love interest. Capitalists and Communists fighting to have support from a politically marketable demography.

The remodel of the Double Deuce represents the defeat of the Anarchists. And in the end, with the clash between Dalton and Wesley, we see the Capitalists win the symbolic trophy room.

Think the messages in Road House were not effective? Later that year the Berlin Wall fell.

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